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Piracy and Counterfeiting Undermine IP Protection

Piracy and Counterfeiting Undermine IP Protection Piracy refers to the willful infringement of copyright protection and counterfeiting refers to the willful infringement of trademark protection.

Copyright and Website Protection

Copyright and Website Protection Generally speaking, copyright refers to protection of literary works, dramatic, musical, sound recordings, architectural and artistic works from unauthorized use. Over

Why do I need a Trademark lawyer?

It is a common occurrence that most owners choose a mark that describes their product in order to increase the likelihood that the customer associates

Trademark Case Law

Trademark Case Law The law of trademarks as laid down by the Federal Courts makes for interesting reading. This article seeks to give the reader

Maintaining a Trademark Registration

Maintaining a Trademark Registration Registration of a mark does not automatically grant continued protection. It is necessary to file certain documents attesting to the constant

Filing An International Trademark Application Under The Madrid Protocol

International Trademark The Madrid Protocol Treaty, established in 1989 provides a mechanism for obtaining trademark protection in Madrid Protocol Treaty member countries by the filing