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Selection of The Right Trademark

IP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 SELECTION OF THE RIGHT TRADEMARK The choice of a mark to represent a business commercially and also to

Introduction to Trademarks

IIP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 INTRODUCTION TO TRADEMARKS WHAT IS A TRADEMARK? Trademark: Amongst the various definitions of a trademark, the definition given

Test to Qualify For a Trade Dress Registration

IP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:nandini_ananth@unicitaconsulting.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 INTRODUCTION TO TRADEMARKS What is Trade Dress? Trade dress constitutes a “symbol” or “device” within the meaning of

Future of Patents in the Realm of Open Source Discussions

Future of Patents in the Realm of Open Source Discussions There have been several discussions propagating open source software and its benefits, and in this

Patenting System – A Historical Perspective

A Historical Perspective Posted on September, 2006 News items flooding from our daily information sources on patents, company law suits, intellectual property rights, and the

Future Technology – Smart Materials

Future Technology – Smart Materials, – Smart Materials Posted in October, 2006 A family of materials with an ability to change few of its original