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Electronic and Semiconductor Patents

An Evolution Scenario An Evolution Scenario, November, 2006 Posted in November, 2006 In recent years, there has been an extensive boost in technological concepts related

A Soft Introduction to Software Patents, December, 2006

We Support Software Patents Open source majors like RedHat have vehemently taken their stand against software patents claiming that it inhibits innovation, and poses a

A Prologue to Mechanical patents, January, 2007

Posted in January, 2007 Mechanical engineering perhaps has the oldest known inventions and patents. In fact, the word ‘engineering’ is derived from a mechanical component.

Scramble for Software Patents

Scramble for Software Patents, published in a technology magazine, March, 2007 The Scramble for Software Patents This article was published in a technology magazine, March

Seeing the Same but Different

Seeing the Same but Different…, published in a technology magazine, April, 2007 Posted in April 2007 This article was published in a technology business magazine,

When to Protect an Innovative Idea?

When to Protect an Innovative Idea? ,Published in a technology magazine, May, 2007 When to Protect an Innovative Idea? I have thought through and worked out