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When to Protect an Innovative Idea?

When to Protect an Innovative Idea? ,Published in a technology magazine, May, 2007 When to Protect an Innovative Idea? I have thought through and worked out

From Ideas to Profits–A Path to Monetizing Patents,June,2007

From Ideas to Profits–A Path to Monetizing Patents, Published in a technology magazine June,2007 A Path to Monetizing Patents. This article was published in a

From Ideas to Profits–A Path to Monetizing Patents, Published in a technology magazine

A Path to Monetizing Patents. This article was published in a technology magazine, June 2007 issue. Intellectual property is one of the most important assets

Patent Prosecution

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 PATENT PROSECUTION Once a patent application is filed, the US PTO conducts an examination of the patent

Apply For a Patent

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 APPLY FOR A PATENT The first step in obtaining a patent is to file the specification and

Design Patents

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 DESIGN PATENTS The subject matter of a design patent application is limited to the ornamental design or