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Patent Drafting

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 PATENT DRAFTING What Is A Patent? A patent is a document that describes an invention in such

The Prior Art Search

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 THE PRIOR ART SEARCH Developing the Inventive Concept Prior to conducting a prior art search, you need

Introduction to Patents

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 INTRODUCTION TO PATENTS The rights of an inventor to use, manufacture, sell and license an invention is

Contents of a Patent Application

Contents of a Patent Application “The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can’t be done is generally interrupted

Importance of a Prior Art Search

Importance of a Prior Art Search As a patent engineer, a study on the current situation in the patent sector reveals a lack of discipline

The Bilski Case

The Bilski case: Significance and Impact on patent applications The Bilski case is one of the most talked about cases in the patent world. There