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Patent Application Extensions

Patent Application Extensions Once a patent application has been submitted it is possible to have an extension to the application. That means it is possible

Supreme Court rules biotech Laboratories concerning ‘laws of nature’

Supreme Court rules biotech Laboratories concerning ‘laws of nature’ The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries are best known for trying to take control of nature and

Infringement and the doctrine of equivalence

Patent Office Action An office action is a written notification of any USPTO decision to applicant(s) about a patent application filed by the applicant. The

Unveiling an invention in a Specification

Unveiling an invention in a Specification Drafting a fine patent specification requires your participation and sincere contact with your attorney or agent. You are the

Drafting a Patent

Drafting a Patent Patent drafting involves bringing out a description of an invention such that any person of ordinary skill in the art of the

Patenting an Invention in A Foreign Country

Patenting an Invention in A Foreign Country Once you have gotten your patent application on file and have taken steps to have your invention manufactured