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Patent infringement

Patent Infringement The word “Patent infringement” means an encroachment upon the domain belonging to a patentee or patent holder that is described by the claims of her/his patent during

Sufficiency of Disclosure

Sufficiency of Disclosure Under 35 USC 112 an inventor is required to disclose his invention in a way such that a notional ordinary person skilled

Types of Patents

A patent can be classified primarily into three types such as utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Two of the most common types of

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Intellectual property refers to any product of intellect such as an idea, invention etc. which has some value in the marketplace and that

Defective Patents

Defective Patents A defective patent is one that, through mistakes or omissions but without misleading intention, provides you with more or less exposure than your

Assigning and Licensing A Patent

Assigning and Licensing A Patent An inventor has the right to assign or license the patent to others. The most common type of an assignment