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Growing Trend of Trademark Registration

Growing Trend of Trademark Registration While it is a commonly assumed that trademarks are a new phenomena, the truth of the matter is that symbols,

How to choose the right trademark?

How to choose the right trademark? When a trademark application to register the mark has been filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office

International Classification of Trademarks

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF MARKS The International (Nice) Classification of goods and services divides goods and services into

International Trademark Applications

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS In addition to obtaining federal registration of the mark in the United States by

Trademarks and Domain Names

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 TRADEMARKS AND DOMAIN NAMES The intersection of intellectual property and the Internet has raised interesting questions and

Trademarks and Unfair Competition Registration

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 TRADEMARKS AND UNFAIR COMPETITION The concept of unfair competition advocates the commercial law principal of fair trade.