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Trademark Opposition

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 TRADEMARK OPPOSITION Before a trademark application is granted by the U.S. PTO, the application is published for

Maintating A Trademark Registration

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 MAINTAINING A TRADEMARK REGISTRATION Registration of a mark does not automatically grant continued protection of the mark

Trademark Appeals

IP Legal Services www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 TRADEMARK APPEALS EX PARTE APPEALS As described in Chapter 5, an Examining Attorney may issue a rejection

Office Action Response

IP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 RESPONDING TO AN OFFICE ACTION- WITH SAMPLE RESPONSES A trademark application goes through several stages of examination before

Filing of a Trademark

IP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 ELECTRONIC FILING OF A TRADEMARK APPLICATION In order to obtain a federal registration for a trademark, a trademark

Conducting a trademark search

IP Procure www. ipprocure.com E-mail:ash@ipprocurement.com Tel: 1-866-387-5386 CONDUCTING A TRADEMARK SEARCH Trademark searches are very important to applicants who are in the process of choosing